Transformika is a unique collection of cards organized around six themes (or suits): Prosperity, Transformation, Exclusive, Instrumental, Performance and Existential. Each card in a given theme focuses on a common challenge or topic.
For example, topics under the Transformation theme are: fear of failure, work-life balance, dealing with emotions, boosting self-confidence, and habit change – all common topics we run across as coaches. Each card offers a homework suggestion and 10 coaching questions to help you guide your client toward greater awareness and action.
The deck was created as a self-coach- ing tool, but I can see coaches using this tool in a few creative ways. Pull a relevant card to use during a coaching session. Choose a card that is a hot topic for your clients and build a short online course around it. For workshops, ask participants to draw a card that represents a current challenge, and journal responses to the questions.
And lastly, gift it to clients when they complete with you. The deck is beautifully designed, in- cludes coaching affirmation cards, and is a potent addition to your toolbox.
"Published in, and reproduced with permission from, choice, the magazine of professional coaching".
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